Benefits of Kolang Kaling Fruit

Kolang Kaling

This fruit is often referred to as the fruit of the roof, which became one of the popular snacks in Indonesian society.

With the shape of an elongated, chewy, and white-colored fur collar ...

The view makes the fower kolaling is very interesting and coupled with the water content is very much.

Kolang fruits can be easily found for you to meet in the market, especially in traditional markets where many traders sell them.

Also easy to find during Ramadan or the month of fasting, at that number can be more

During Ramadan, many traders in the market and at home are vying to sell it ..

That's because it is in the month of fasting one of the most popular breaking menu is the fruit kolang kaling this.

Kolang-kaling in Dutch called Glibbertjes ... It means that the fruit of the palm tree (Arena Pinnata).

The shape and texture of this kaling fruits make it look unique, and very suitable as a complement to fruit ice. In addition to delicious taste and a very attractive shape, also has a nutritional content that is very beneficial to our health.

As in it there are mineral content such as protasium, iron, calcium, where it all has benefits that can facilitate the process of metabolism and make the body becomes very fresh.

Fruit kolang kaling is very popular with a mixture of fruit or cendol ice, in it has a variety of benefits and efficacy for health, following below explanation.

1. To strengthen bones

People are very diligent to consume milk because it has a high calcium content for the body, so milk is very beneficial for body growth, especially for children who are in its infancy.

However, milk has a high risk of calories, so if consumed in excess is also not good because it can make the body into obesity.

And on this frozen dolphin on every 100 grams of choline-kaling contains 91 mg of calcium, while pure cow milk on every 100 grams of pure cow milk contains 125 mg of calcium.

So with so consume fruits kolaling this can also be a good enough alternative as a source of calcium than milk.

2. As a diet food

Based on research conducted by the experts, that at 100 grams of fruits-kaling contains up to 0.69 grams of protein, 4.0 grams of carbohydrates, ash content of 1 gram, and coarse fiber of 0.95 grams.

As for the water content of fruits is very high up to 94% of which with high water content is making fruits and fruits become very fresh in the body when you consume.

Then at kolang kaling also contained gelatin which has an effect for those who consume will be full of satiety.

So if you experience a state of excessive appetite, then do not worry because the fruits of this kolang-kaling will make a loss in the appetite is excessive.

3. As an arthritis medicine.

In the fruits have a content galaktomanan substances that have properties to cure or minimally can relieve the disease in arthritis.

If you are in the process of treatment, then you can eat this frozen fruit as much as 100 grams or less at each just.

To consume this frozen fruit (in such circumstances), it is advisable to be consumed by boiling without the use of all kinds of colors and sugars.

4. Kolang Fruit kaling rich in fiber content

Choline kaling contains water and a lot of fiber, which is a substance that is beneficial to our digestive health, by which we can avoid the name of constipation, constipation and even diarrhea.

By consuming 5 to 10 grains of kolang kaling on every day, it is very nutritious to facilitate your digestion, in addition kolang kaling also popular and very good to run a healthy diet program.

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5. Fruit kaling nutritious to strengthen the bones

Fruit kaling this has benefits and properties to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

In which there is calcium content of 91 milligrams of calcium for every 100 grams of fleas, which is very useful in meeting the needs of calcium in the body, and you can make this kolang fowl as an alternative to milk.

6. Rich in calcium

Calcium-rich fruits rich in calcium are excellent for preventing unwanted things such as the occurrence of bone health problems, teeth and body joints that can not function as usual.

Fruit kolang kaling this you can make as a daily consumption to meet the needs of calcium, especially for some people who are allergic to cow's milk.

By consuming 100-200 grams of kolang kaling in a day, which of course without artificial sweeteners or dyes is useful to prevent and treat problems in inflammation of the joints.

7. Smooth digestion

The content of crude fiber contained in fruits kolang-kaling up to 39%, which is efficacious in order to launch the body's digestion, fiber content with carbohydrates high enough to make kolang useful to meet their daily needs.

Besides also can digestaan, you will be more easily and regularly in big water disposal, as well as the efficacy of kaling fruits is also good to avoid obesity or overweight on the body.

8. As medicines itching.

Kolang kaling fruit is undoubtedly very useful for the health of the body, but the sap on kolang kaling also he has the benefit to be used as an itching drug on the body.

However, to apply this tutorial required of people who have and experience in treating itching with fruit kolang kaling.
