JBJ Farewell Acts Through The Last Concert

JBJ Farewell Acts Through The Last Concert

The sixth dream of JBJ members is actually quite simple, no different from other trainees in a number of entertainment agencies in South Korea. They just hope to be able to debut and stand on stage.

To make it happen, they also follow the event survival Produce 101 Season 2. Unexpectedly, the dream to see Taehyun et al perform on stage was also similar to the expectations of their fans on this television show. Thanks to the fans' support, JBJ finally debuted in October 2017, with a seven-month contract period. cendelalagu

Although the newcomers and the temporary group, the six JBJ members, Noh Taehyun, Kim Sanggyun, Takada Kenta, Kim Yongguk, Kwon Hyunbin and Kim Donghan, succeeded in scoring success.

They had dominated the charts even pocketed a trophy victory in the music show. JBJ has even held fan meetings and solo concerts thanks to Joyful support, as JBJ fans.

It's just that, seven months contract period passes quickly. Arrives the period of JBJ's dissolution, which falls at the end of this April.

Reporting from Allkpop on Monday (23/4/2018), on April 22, 2018, JBJ held their last concert titled "Very Desireable Concert-Epilogue" at SK Handball Field, Seoul Olympic Park. This last concert, colored tears member JBJ and Joyfu.

JBJ members give their farewell words before the concert ends. "Today is our last stage," "Seven months is so fast," "Seven months we've been dreaming." That's roughly JBJ member's parting phrase to Joyful.

Meanwhile, the JBJ contract will expire on 30 April. All members of JBJ will return to their respective agencies to continue their activities. This is not the end, this is the beginning of their new journey. Goodbye JBJ and welcome to new sheets.
