6 Benefits of Acupuncture for Facial Skin
Acupuncture therapy has been an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. This therapy is the body with a certain depth. Especially on the face, most needles are inserted in the head, face and neck area.
Acupuncture therapy can bring many benefits to the body. Inserting needles in the skin is believed to help blood flow, and restore energy balance in the body. For certain diseases such as high blood pressure, allergic rhinitis, facial pain, arthritis, and muscle aches, the practice of acupuncture has even proven to be scientifically effective.
In terms of beauty, needle punctures on the skin can also prevent the onset of premature aging and keep the skin healthy. To do so, it generally does not take a long time, just 60-90 minutes per therapy session.
In addition, if done with the correct procedure, acupuncture rarely causes significant side effects. No wonder the famous artist - including Hollywood artist Kim Kardashian - also took acupuncture.
Some of the benefits of acupuncture for facial skin include:
1. Smooth blood flow
Research shows that acupuncture therapy in healthy people can improve blood flow to the skin and muscles. If blood flow is smooth, the skin will get enough nutrients and so it remains healthy.
2. Brighten facial skin
Acupuncture can help disguise blemishes on the face, prevent the face from looking dull, and keep the skin bright.
3. Keep the skin tight
Acupuncture therapy has been shown to maintain skin elasticity. This is because it is important to keep the skin tight.
4. Prevents wrinkle lines from occurring
Acupuncture can relax facial muscles so they can prevent and disguise fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Thus, your face will always look youthful.
5. Prevent and treat acne
Hormone imbalances in the body can cause many negative effects. For facial skin, hormonal balance disorders, especially before menstruation, can trigger acne. Acupuncture can help hormones in the body so that the problem of acne will not haunt you every month.
6. Improve sleep quality
It has long been known that acupuncture can reduce stress and improve sleep quality. In sufferers insomnia, one of the therapies that is often recommended is acupuncture. By doing acupuncture, you will get quality sleep and wake up next day with more enthusiasm and of course fresh skin.
Do it safely
At this point, you may be interested in wanting to do facial acupuncture. But before doing so, you must know the conditions of safe acupuncture therapy.
According to The National Institute of Health, acupuncture is safe if it is carried out by experienced trained personnel using sterile needles. Acupuncture needles must be ascertained sterile and may only be used for one use.
The use of acupuncture needles that are not sterile and has the potential to cause many health problems later on. Many infectious diseases can be cosmetic acupuncture transmitted through the use of these needles, ranging from mild to severe such as hepatitis B and HIV. So, before you do facial acupuncture therapy, first make sure it is safe and your needle is completely sterile.
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