5 Ways to Get Like, Comments, Original Follower from Instagram

5 Ways to Get Like, Comments, Original Follower from Instagram

For those of you who often exist in cyberspace, of course want to dong if you can like, comment and follower from Instagram. Well this time I will give a review on 5 ways to get like, comments, original follower from Instagram.

You do not need to use auto like and follower services on the internet, and also do not need to use any application. Just do the following ways on your photos and video views. 
Immediately here's 5 ways to get like, comments, original follower from Instagram.

1.Use a tag or hashtag

The first way is to provide a tag or hashtag on the photo or video you are broadcasting. When tagging or hashtag your photos will be grouped according to keywords in the photos you upload. Then the keyword will appear in the most popular searches from others, so you can get lots of likes and comments can also make your followerm more and more.

2. Write an interesting caption

By giving a few words that describe a photo, it will attract others to give heart to the photo you upload.

3.Boom like photos of others

When you give a boom like to other people's photos, then the person will also like to return your photos and may also comment on your photos.

4.Active interact

This one is one way that is powerful enough from 5 ways to get like, comments, original follower from Instagram. The reason, if you actively comment on other people's photos with positive words of course, it will increase the respect of the person so that you will get like also comment back from that person.

5.The same photo of the artist

The last one is the most powerful. When you upload a photo with an artist or other important person such as the President, Governor, Regent may add like comments as well as follow from the people who see your post. likes no instagram

Well that's 5 ways to get like, comments, original follower from Instagram without using the application or by buying services like auto on the Internet. You certainly can do some of these ways to increase the fame of your own social media accounts.
