poster stand

Poster is a work of graphic art created with a combination of letters and numbers on paper of relatively large size. These posters are generally affixed to a wall or a relatively flat surface in public places that crowded so that information and messages that exist in the poster can be conveyed to the public.

In general, posters are widely used by companies to provide information products, services and other information to the public. The poster itself can be obtained or created in advertising companies. Making the poster is not as easy as imagined. There are a few things to note poster can be made well poster stand.


After discussing the poster traits, here is a little review of the terms of a poster:

- Posters must use easy-to-understand language.
- The sentence structure of the poster should be short, dense, clear, but contained.
- Poster should be combined with image form.
- Posters should be able to attract audiences.
- Media posters should use materials that are not easily damaged or torn.
- The size of the poster should be tailored to the place or the mounting ground as well as the target reader.
- Meanwhile, the things that need to be considered in making a poster are:
- Images are made prominently and in accordance with the idea to be communicated.
- The words used in the poster should be effective, suggestive, and memorable.
- The font type should be of a readable type and of a large size.


Poster type based on its contents:

- Posters Sales is a poster created for communication media in business affairs to offer a good, or service.
- Activity Posters are posters that contain an activity, such as healthy walking, gymnastics, and others.
- Poster Education is a poster that aims to educate.
Community Service Posters are posters for health services related to community welfare.

Poster type based on its purpose:

- Propaganda Poster is a poster that has a purpose to restore the reader's passion for one's struggle or endeavor in doing the things that are beneficial to life.
- Campaign Poster is a poster that aims to seek sympathy from the public at the time of the general election.
- A 'Wanted' or 'Wanted' poster is a poster aimed at loading missing persons or a company that needs workers.
- The poster that aims to attract public attention, such as rock stars, artists, singers, etc.
- Movie Posters are posters created for the purpose of popularizing a film produced in the film industry.
- The Comic Posters are posters used to popularize comic books.
- Poster Affirmation is a poster to motivate readers, usually about leadership, and others.
- Posters Research is a poster to promote various research activities that invite academic actors to participate in the appreciation of these activities.
- The Class Poster is a poster inside the student class that aims to motivate the learner, as well as the classroom disciplinary poster.
- Commercial Posters are posters that are almost the same as the Niaga Posters which aim to promote something.
