Watermelon is actually still related to some fruits such as melons, cucumbers, and pumpkins. Watermelon is similar in shape as melon fruit, but watermelon contains more water.
This watermelon taste sweet, and gives a cooling effect, so this watermelon fruit is suitable for consumption during the day in hot and stinging sun, so that the body will become fresh again.
Typical and sweet taste makes people who eat watermelon will not stop. Watermelon is also easy in the presentation, where we just need to cut it, then can already eat it.
1. Healthy eyes. Watermelon contains Vitamin A which is very useful to nourish the eyes, and make the eyes become sharper eyesight. V
This sweet pink fruit is great for your vision organ, vitamin A content is also needed its function to keep skin, mucous membrane healthy, and protect the body from lung problem and oral cavity of cancer.
2. Prevent stroke & high blood pressure. Watermelon fruit also contains potassium, which is useful for lowering blood pressure. Watermelon also has a useful rubberyoid content to prevent the occurrence of hardening of artery walls and veins.
Prevention of hardening of the walls of arteries and veins is very important to reduce the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure).
3. Prevent asthma. Vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables, including watermelon fruit has benefits to prevent asthma.
4. Prevent sprue. Various vitamins and water content contained in watermelon useful to prevent the occurrence of canker sores. This canker sores appear because of the bad bacteria in the mouth, let alone the mouth in a dry state. Water content in watermelon is useful to clean or minimize reduce bacteria in the mouth.
Heart health. Watermelon fruit contains lycopene is beneficial to maintain heart health in the body and facilitate the flow of urine so as to maintain the health of kidney organs.
Watermelon is very good for the cardiovascular system and liver organ, which is useful to smooth and improve blood flow.
High vitamin C content prevents hardening of the arteries, improves elasticity of blood vessels and reduces inflammation. This is very important to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.
According to a study at Purdue University, showed that the concentration of citrulline and arginine in the watermelon is beneficial for heart organ. Arginine helps to increase blood flow and helps reduce the accumulation of excess fat.
In a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that watermelon extract proven to help reduce hypertension and blood pressure in obese adults.
6. Protect the body from ultraviolet rays. Watermelon fruit contains water, fiber, and lycopene which are useful to keep skin moist, protect the body from ultraviolet rays, and maintain heart health.
7. Boost the immune system. Watermelon contains vitamin C that is beneficial to boost the immune system.
With adequate intake of vitamin C for the needs of the body, the body becomes not susceptible to disease, especially when the weather conditions are less good for the body, such as extreme weather.
8. As body fluid intake. Watermelon is rich in citruline content that is useful to reduce excess fat in the body. High water content in watermelon is also important in mengurnagi body fat, and meet body fluid intake.
9. Strengthening bones. Watermelon fruit has a lot of potassium to preserve calcium substances in the body, so it can strengthen bones and prevent from osteoporosis.
By consuming a watermelon then a little more can make the bones and joints become stronger and healthier. Watermelon can help keep calcium in the body. As a result of stronger bones and not easily porous.
10. Reduce fat. Consumption of watermelon can reduce fat in the body, it is the same as the benefits that exist in tomatoes, where watermelon is also reliable as a means of dietary support that has been proven to reduce excess fat.
Regular watermelon consumption can reduce body fat due to high concentrations of citrulline. Citrulline is an amino acid that converts to arginine when absorbed by the body.
When the body gets citrulline substances, it will work to limit the activity of tissue-specific alkaline phosphate, thus helping to prevent excessive accumulation of body fat.
11. Anti-inflammatory. Watermelon contains anti-inflammatory, which serves to help prevent or inhibit inflammation in the body
Watermelon is rich in phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoids. Carotenoids are very useful for reducing inflammation and neutralizing free radicals.
Triterpenoids play a role to provide anti-inflammatory support by inhibiting enzyme activity that usually causes increased inflammation.
Regarding this, be sure to choose a ripe watermelon, as it contains higher amounts of phenolic compounds.
12. Anti aging. Watermelon content such as lycopene, vitamin A and C, serves to menagkal free radicals that attack the skin.
Exposure to direct sunlight on the skin, causing fine lines. Antioxidants contained in watermelon helps to overcome the problem of free radicals in the body.
With regular consumption of watermelon fruit regularly, is beneficial to maintain health and prevent signs of premature aging of the skin.
13 Keeping the skin moist. Watermelon can be the best fruit intake, especially indispensable for those who have dry skin problems. That's because of the abundant water content in this fruit.
So as to provide health and skin moisture, in addition to watermelon consumption is useful for the body to avoid dehydration. Content containing a lot of water is also found in cucumbers.
14. Maintaining kidney health. Potassium contained in watermelon fruit brfungsi to clean the toxic substances contained in kidney organs.
So it cleans and helps the kidneys work. Watermelon fruit also reduces uric acid levels that suppress the risk of kidney stone formation.
15. Overcoming muscle pain. Watermelon has been proven to reduce the problem of muscle pain experienced, and can increase the recovery time from muscle pain suffered. The researchers believe that the amino acid content of L-citrulline contained in the watermelon is useful for overcoming the problem of muscle pain.
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